Scientific investment creates sustainable benefits for future generations

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Scientific investment creates sustainable benefits for future generations

The CEO of the investment and public participation organization of Tabriz municipality stated:” Scientific investment, which is conducted based on expert review and systematic research, will create sustainable profits for future generations.

Reported by the communications of investment and public participation organization of Tabriz municipality, referring to the scientific axes of the Int’l Tabriz investment opportunities Summit 2023, Reza Khalili said: "The conference has examined and analyzed the investment issue seriously and various programs have been compiled in different aspects”.

He later in his remarks added that according to the preliminary investigations and needs assessment of Tabriz metropolis, priority investment projects have been introduced and incentives considered for investors.

Khalili further pointed out that due to the need for scientific and expert review of investment plans and projects, Tabriz University embarked on compiling together with the municipality to compile the axes of 2023 International summit on investment opportunities in Tabriz.

He elsewhere in his remarks added that the main axes of the Int’l Tabriz investment opportunities Summit 2023 have been introduced in 13 titles, including "Methods of determining investment opportunities and Priorities", “financing methods and investment projects management", "Policies, incentives and global experiences in line with investment attraction", "Investment, institutional structures and capacities", "Stagnant investments, challenges and solutions", "the liquidation of governmental assets", "Knowledge-based economy, new technologies and smart city", "investment and of urban-regional revenues stabilization ", "public participation in urban-regional investment, "urban-regional projects and sustainable development", "social, cultural and sports capacities", "branding and investment", "other topics related to investment opportunities".

The CEO of the investment and public participation organization of Tabriz municipality also reiterated that the potential investment areas of Int’l Tabriz investment opportunities Summit 2023 include: "marginalized areas and inefficient urban textures", "start-ups”, technological units and knowledge-based companies”, “urban services, environment, and waste", "cultural heritage and historical textures", "smart and creative city", "tourism, recreation and handicrafts", "social, cultural and sports services", "renewable energy", "treatment and health", " Urban-regional transportation", "industry and mine", "improving urban livability", "trading", "agriculture", "housing, real estate", "urban-regional infrastructure projects".
